How to make a booking

SOLO PER DUE is open every day of the year, for both lunch and dinner. You can make your reservations by telephone during the afternoon calling our main number 0746-676873 or our mobile number 345-3205057. Bookings can be made at any time of the year, even well in advance. The most important thing is that you must confirm by a specific deadline, seven days before your booking date. Upon confirmation, the details necessary to personalize your event will be decided: you will choose your menu, the dessert, the wines, the background music, any flowers required for your special date and, importantly, the time of your arrival.
The gate of SOLO PER DUE will open at the established time and if you arrive for dinner, the square and the garden will be illuminated with torches that will add a mysterious and ancient charm to the atmosphere. For this reason it is advised that you do not arrive before the appointed time!
The price of dinner at SOLO PER DUE is €500 and includes all the details that are agreed upon at confirmation. The only things excluded are champagnes, particularly fine wines and special floral compositions.

We are not affiliated with any credit card, but it is possible to pay by bank transfer